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Project Management
Our team reviews your project goals. We create a personalized project portfolio. This includes your timelines, plans, budgets, project requirements, and required consultants. We manage the process from start to finish, ensuring each person contributing to the project is working towards your end goals. We start from the planning phase and work through to the building permit in hand.
Project Management
Real Estate
Our team works with our real estate experts in supporting your purchases, sales, and leases. Our team provides advice on building and area feasibility. We review potential sites to provide zoning, official plan, municipal requirements, and building code advice. This works in conjunction with our full-service scope. Our team helps you understand before you buy or lease. Additionally we can aid in the sale of your property with marketing packages and support to potential buyers. Visit our Real Estate website here.
Real Estate 1

Municipal Submission Package
Our team puts together full packages for Municipal submissions. Including but not limited to Pre-Consultations, Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-Law Amendments, Site Plan Control, Minor Variance, Demolition Permits, Building Permits, Septic Permits and Right of Way.
Municipal Sub
Construction Package
Our team provides construction packages. This package is intended to support the builder in his work. Typical permit drawings are intended for permit submission to satisfy the municipal requirements. Construction drawings give detailed information on construction requirements. This becomes a legal document to bind the client expectations to the contractor's budget and scope.
Constrcution Package

Feasibility Study
Our team reviews properties for the feasibility of your project. We provide two services: a quick 1-hour review to determine basic information (such as # of units, zoning/official plan, and buildable area) or an extensive review. The basic review is used for clients looking to purchase a property and want to check feasibility. The extensive review is generally used when a client is looking to develop a property they currently own and need to know the best options in order to move forward.
Feasibility Study
Commercial Services
New Builds
Renovations & Additions
Franchise Design
Change of Use
Mulit Unit Services

Multi Unit Services
High Rise
Medium Rise
Low Rise
New & Renovations
Commercial Servies
Real Estate
Real Estate
Property Review
Building Code Review
Municipality Requirement Advice
Marketing Packages
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